Jewellery is a feature of the Neolithic in the Sahara, for the older industries had been entirely focused on utility value. Lip pegs of various shapes and sizes may be joined by buttons for the ears and beads that could be sling stones. An astonishing variety of pendants of an obviously magical character complete the magnificent ensemble, which testifies to a high sense of art. (IFAN Collection, Dakar, Senegal.) – 1969
Jewellery is a feature of the Neolithic in the Sahara, for the older industries had been entirely focused on utility value. Lip pegs of various shapes and sizes may be joined by buttons for the ears and beads that could be sling stones. An astonishing variety of pendants of an obviously magical character complete the magnificent ensemble, which testifies to a high sense of art. (IFAN Collection, Dakar, Senegal.) – 1969